Who We Are

Albert Warren Brown, a California native is the inventor of the Rolowitz Drive. He has worked mostly in electronic research, particularly amplifiers, and has four US patents to his name. In addition to his talents as an inventor, he is a virtuoso pianist and composer. His inventions invariably demonstrate simple ways to achieve desirable effects, and are completely novel approaches rather than elaborations of previous techniques. When he worked as a repair technician for a high end stereo store (in the days when there were such places and components could still be repaired) he would not simply fix what had broken, but also fixed the design issue that broke it. He would often hand back a handful of parts that he had removed to make the amplifier sound better. He is truly an original thinker.

Patrick Brintonwas born into an upper middle class English family, and was given an education worthy of a gentleman, which fitted him for almost nothing in life. Fortunately he was equipped with a retentive and agile mind, and found it easy to learn whatever skills he needed to do whatever task he set himself. It has been a hallmark of his career that whatever he did, he knew nothing about it when he started. Nonetheless he has had a series of businesses that where at the very least successful in satisfying their clientele. 

These included

  • Inpine, which made and sold high quality pine furniture, eventually branching into fully fitted kitchens, in London
  • Abracadabra, a stained glass studio and antique glass business in San Rafael, CA.
  • Patrick’s Bookshop Café, in the early ‘80s the social center of Fairfax, CA.
  • Interface, also in Fairfax, one of the first desktop publishing businesses in the country
  • A period as a computer programmer and developer of a visual computer programming language
  • Omega Reception Technology, a previous collaboration with Brown in the electronics field
  • Looks Good on Paper, in Sebastopol, CA., making high quality fine art reproductions and large format printing.

In all of these businesses he was not simply the owner but also the creator and manager (and sometimes the only employee!)

Through all of this and from a very early age he has been an avid photographer and has from time to time between businesses pursued this as a profession. For the last five years he has been spending the majority of his time (and of his very limited resources) on the present project.