Social Benefits

This is a technology whose time has come. By getting more work out of existing motors we can significantly reduce the amount of energy we use while still maintaining a high standard of living

Times are changing, and companies are beginning to realize that they cannot continue to pursue short term growth and maximization of profit at the expense of the environment. This issue is no longer on the crazy fringes, but right in the center of political and social attention. Even if they are not convinced about the ethical grounds for saving the environment, they certainly see the political benefit of being seen to do so. What we are offering is considerably increased efficiency at every level: our device is both easier and cheaper to make, and also much more efficient in its use than any rival technology.

Some of the greatest dangers facing the world today are the direct result of our use of energy to do work of various kinds. Obviously we could vastly reduce the impact upon the environment by contenting ourselves with less, and by recognizing the particular forms of energy use that are most destructive and voluntarily foregoing them. This, however, while a very worthwhile goal to aim for, is unlikely to gain much traction in the real world, where the vast majority of the population of the poorer countries have been denied the luxurious lifestyles that they see in the developed countries, and would like to have their turn at the trough. 

What we can and should do is to use the energy that we do use in the most efficient manner possible. We need to seek the biggest bang for every energy buck, thus enabling us to still live well on much less energy. This is exactly what the Rolowitz Drive will do. When added to any motor it will make that motor much more efficient, or use much less energy to do its task. It will also vastly improve human powered vehicles such as the rickshaws that are in very common use the third world countries. In this way it can be of direct benefit to vast numbers of people at a tiny cost per unit.